Manage companies
- Learn how to manage companies in aiFind and what options the user interface offers you.
Entry point
- Almost everywhere in aiFind you can click on the company name to open it.
Step by step
- At the top right of each tile, you will usually find an icon (pencil) that you can use to edit and update the corresponding area.
- Your changes will be saved as soon as you click on the “Save” button at the bottom right.
- Before you save, you can delete records by clicking again on the icon (dots) in the upper right corner and selecting “Delete”. Keep in mind that you can only delete records if you have the appropriate permission. If you don’t have it, contact your superiors.
- In the “Statistics” you can create a contact person (manager) for your company by clicking on the green icon (Plus). Parent-child relationships
- In the edit mode you also have the possibility to assign your company (child) to another company (parent).
Background information
- In aiFind you have the option to create a single level hierarchy. This is to keep things simple, especially when your database increases. I.e. you cannot create more than one child company per parent company.