Manage your tasks

Manage your tasks


With the task planner from aiFind you always have an overview of your everyday life.

Entry point

  • Click on the icon (bell) at the top right of the “Contact commentary” tile in any manager or candidate.
  • On the dashboard, open the task planner by clicking on the “Show all in SideBar” button.
  • Click the icon (bell) in the quick launch menu in the upper right corner.

Step by step

  • After clicking on the icon (bell) in the Candidate or Manager, you can select a ### description, time and date to create a task.
  • In the SideBar of aiFind, aiFind will show you your tasks sorted by date.
  • Jump through the months at the top of the SideBar by clicking on the icons (arrow left, arrow right) and navigate through the individual days.
  • Overdue tasks are highlighted in red, while completed tasks are green and crossed out.
  • By clicking the checkbox on the left, you can mark a task as completed.

Tips & Tricks

  • If you haven’t received push notifications yet, you can enable them by clicking the “Push notifications” link at the top of the SideBar.